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UKSPA Guide to Professional Indemnity and Structured Products

This report was commissioned by UKSPA to understand the impact that the use of structured investments and deposits has on the terms and conditions, as well as the premiums, for firms looking to secure their Professional Indemnity (PI) cover. It also contains tips and guidance for firms regarding the level of record keeping and information that brokers or insurers will require in order to undewrite you if you have used (or intend to use) structured products.

You can download a copy of the report here.

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Representing the collective interests of leading structured product manufacturers in the UK

The UK Structured Products Association ('UKSPA') is a membership organisation established by the leading manufacturers of structured products in the UK. UKSPA provides a unified voice for its members, working with regulators, financial advisers and other trade bodies. It serves a number of important functions, including engaging with regulators, developing best practice guidelines, educating the investment community and providing a useful source of information for manufacturers, financial advisers and retail investors within the UK.

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